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5-tägige Tansania-Safari: Tarangire-Elefanten, Serengeti-Löwen und Wildtiere im Ngorongoro-Krater



  • Dauer 5 Tage
  • Beste Zeit Januar, Februar, Mai, Juni, Juli, August, September, Oktober und Dezember
  • Kann maßgeschneidert sein Ja

Erleben Sie das Beste des nördlichen Rundkurses von Tansania in nur 5 Tagen! Diese Safari führt Sie durch den Tarangire-Nationalpark, bekannt für seine Elefanten und Baobab-Bäume; die weite Serengeti, Heimat der Big Five und unglaublicher Raubtiersichtungen; den atemberaubenden Ngorongoro-Krater, ein Wildtierparadies; und den malerischen Lake Manyara, berühmt für seine baumkletternden Löwen und Flamingoschwärme. Genießen Sie tägliche Pirschfahrten, komfortable Unterkünfte und unvergessliche Begegnungen mit Wildtieren. /p>

An diesem Tag werden Sie von Ihrem Hotel in Arusha/Moshi abgeholt. Ihr Fahrer wird Ihnen für einige Minuten eine allgemeine Safari-Einweisung geben. Dann beginnt die Reise zum Tarangire-Nationalpark (der Heimat der Elefanten), wo Sie von der Dichte der Baobab-Bäume im Park und den vielen Vogelarten begeistert sein werden. Bei der Ankunft werden Sie einige Minuten lang die Formalitäten erledigen, bevor Sie sich für die Pirschfahrt bis zum späten Nachmittag tief in den Park begeben.

africa safari rift valley africa safari rift valley

Africa Safari Rift Valley

Eine komfortable und einzigartige Zeltlodge mit dem Großen Grabenbruch im Vorder- und Hinterhof – Sie haben den richtigen Ort gefunden. Der Swimmingpool und das Restaurant sind in die umliegende Landschaft eingebettet und bieten einen wunderschönen Blick auf den Grabenbruch und den Lake Manyara.

Maramboi Tented lodge Maramboi Tented lodge

Maramboi Tented Lodge

Sie könnten Wildtiere zwischen den Palmen von der Terrasse Ihres exklusiven Zeltes aus sehen, vom Swimmingpool aus, während Sie nach einem Spaziergang mit einem Maasai-Guide ein kühles Getränk genießen, oder während Sie ein köstliches Abendessen unter den Sternen genießen.

Lemala Mpingo Ridge Lodge Lemala Mpingo Ridge Lodge

Lemala Mpingo Ridge Lodge

Die Lemala Mpingo Ridge liegt auf der Spitze eines Steilhangs mit weitem Blick über den ganzjährig fließenden Tarangire-Fluss und das darunterliegende Tal und entspricht den gleichen hervorragenden Standards an Komfort und Service wie die anderen Unterkünfte in der Lemala-Kollektion.

Nach dem Frühstück fahren wir über das Ngorongoro-Hochland mit einer Pirschfahrt unterwegs in die Serengeti. Wir halten an einem Maasai-Boma im Hochland, um einen Einblick in die Maasai-Kultur zu erhalten, und setzen dann die Pirschfahrt fort. Bei der Ankunft am Naabi Hill Gate nehmen Sie ein Picknick-Mittagessen ein und fahren dann mit der Nachmittags-Pirschfahrt im Park bis zum Abend fort. Übernachtung im Park.

Land of nature camp Land of nature camp

Land Of Nature Camp

Inmitten der ungezähmten Schönheit der Serengeti, einem Ort, an dem der Herzschlag der Natur über sonnenverwöhnte Savannen hallt, bietet "Land of Nature Camps & Lodges" einen Rückzugsort, der Luxus und Abenteuer im selben Atemzug flüstert. Hier trifft der Geist der Wildnis auf den Komfort von Zuhause.

Serengeti Sametu Camp Serengeti Sametu Camp

Serengeti Sametu Camp

Eingebettet im Herzen der Wildnis und dennoch komfortabel abseits der üblichen Pfade gelegen, bietet das Serengeti Sametu Camp eine luxuriöse Oase inmitten der rauen Pracht einer der letzten wahren Wildnisse der Erde. Wenn das erste Licht der Morgendämmerung das Land berührt, begeben Sie sich auf Pirschfahrten, die Sie in das Reich der Legenden entführen, und tauchen Sie in ungestörter Gelassenheit in die Größe der Natur ein, wodurch eine tiefe Verbindung zu der faszinierenden Weite entsteht, die sich um Sie herum entfaltet.

Lemala nanyukie central serengeti Lemala nanyukie central serengeti

Lemala Nanyukie Lodge

Mit Zeltwänden, kathedralenartigen Zeltdecken und breiten Hartholzdecks können Gäste im Lemala Nanyukie eine leichte, zeitgemäße Einrichtung in einer Palette blendender Weiß- und neutraler Farben erwarten, wobei Wärme durch strukturierte Accessoires, luxuriöse Polsterungen, Holzmöbel und eine gelungene Beleuchtung eingebracht wird.

Ein ganzer Tag in der Serengeti gibt Ihnen die Möglichkeit, Afrikas führendes Safari-Ziel zu erkunden. Sie werden zwei Pirschfahrten unternehmen, eine am Morgen, die eine gute Zeit ist, um Zeuge von Beute- und Raubtieraktionen in der Wildnis zu werden, da jeder versucht zu überleben. Nach dem Picknick-Mittagessen werden wir eine Nachmittags-Pirschfahrt mit einem Sundowner unternehmen. Und Übernachtung im Park.

Land of nature camp Land of nature camp

Land Of Nature Camp

Inmitten der ungezähmten Schönheit der Serengeti, einem Ort, an dem der Herzschlag der Natur über sonnenverwöhnte Savannen hallt, bietet "Land of Nature Camps & Lodges" einen Rückzugsort, der Luxus und Abenteuer im selben Atemzug flüstert. Hier trifft der Geist der Wildnis auf den Komfort von Zuhause.

Serengeti Sametu Camp Serengeti Sametu Camp

Serengeti Sametu Camp

Eingebettet im Herzen der Wildnis und dennoch komfortabel abseits der üblichen Pfade gelegen, bietet das Serengeti Sametu Camp eine luxuriöse Oase inmitten der rauen Pracht einer der letzten wahren Wildnisse der Erde. Wenn das erste Licht der Morgendämmerung das Land berührt, begeben Sie sich auf Pirschfahrten, die Sie in das Reich der Legenden entführen, und tauchen Sie in ungestörter Gelassenheit in die Größe der Natur ein, wodurch eine tiefe Verbindung zu der faszinierenden Weite entsteht, die sich um Sie herum entfaltet.

Lemala nanyukie central serengeti Lemala nanyukie central serengeti

Lemala Nanyukie Lodge

Mit Zeltwänden, kathedralenartigen Zeltdecken und breiten Hartholzdecks können Gäste im Lemala Nanyukie eine leichte, zeitgemäße Einrichtung in einer Palette blendender Weiß- und neutraler Farben erwarten, wobei Wärme durch strukturierte Accessoires, luxuriöse Polsterungen, Holzmöbel und eine gelungene Beleuchtung eingebracht wird.

An diesem Tag verlassen wir die wunderschöne Serengeti früh am Morgen und fahren in Richtung der größten ungebrochenen Caldera der Welt und des UNESCO-Weltkulturerbes, wo Mensch und Löwe zusammenleben. Gegen 9:00 Uhr werden wir am Kraterrand sein und mit dem Abstieg um 600m zum Kraterboden für die Pirschfahrt bis zum Nachmittag beginnen, wo wir zum Picknick in der Nähe des Flusspferdpools zum Mittagessen gehen, und dann mit der Nachmittags-Pirschfahrt abschließen. Danach fahren wir nach Mto wa Mbu zur Übernachtung.

africa safari rift valley africa safari rift valley

Africa Safari Rift Valley

Eine komfortable und einzigartige Zeltlodge mit dem Großen Grabenbruch im Vorder- und Hinterhof – Sie haben den richtigen Ort gefunden. Der Swimmingpool und das Restaurant sind in die umliegende Landschaft eingebettet und bieten einen wunderschönen Blick auf den Grabenbruch und den Lake Manyara.

Lake Manyara Serena Safari Lodge Lake Manyara Serena Safari Lodge

Lake Manyara Serena Safari Lodge

Tansanias hoch aufragende Steilwand von Mto wa Mbu bietet eine bemerkenswerte Kulisse für einen einzigartigen Besuch. Die Lake Manyara Serena Safari Lodge empfängt Sie mit einer friedlichen Lage inmitten der reichen Tierwelt und der unübertroffenen Ruhe des Lake Manyara Nationalparks. Unsere Lodge ist so gestaltet, dass sie diese außergewöhnliche Vogelwelt widerspiegelt, mit einem architektonischen Motiv, das schwungvolle Vogelkurven und lebhaft bemalte Wandfresken zeigt, die die Komplexität der Vogelzugmuster darstellen.

Lake Manyara Kilimamoja Lake Manyara Kilimamoja

Lake Manyara Kilimamoja

Alle Zimmer sind geschmackvoll eingerichtet und verfügen über alle Annehmlichkeiten, die man in einer 5-Sterne-Lodge erwarten würde, einschließlich Innen- und Außendusche, Badewanne, Klimaanlage, Kamin, WLAN, Minibar, Safe und privatem Balkon.

Nach dem Frühstück fahren wir zum Lake Manyara Nationalpark, um den unterirdischen Wasserwald, die heißen Quellen, die Steilwand des Grabenbruchs zu erkunden, und wenn Sie Glück haben, können Sie den baumkletternden Löwen beobachten, der nur in Manyara vorkommt. Danach fahren wir nach Arusha, um Sie abzusetzen.
Siehe die detaillierte Reiseroute oben

Beinhaltet und ausschließt

Der Preis beinhaltet:
  • Alle Parkgebühren
  • Hotelunterkunft auf Vollpension
  • Lokale Flüge sind inbegriffen, wenn Ihr Reiseplan eine Flugreise zwischen den Zielen vorsieht.
  • Professioneller englischsprachiger Fahrerführer
  • 4 x 4 Auftauchen Safari Jeep mit Kühlschrank, Ladesystem und Funkanruf
  • Abholung und Rückgabe am Flughafen
  • Regierungssteuern
  • Der Preis ohne:
  • Flüge
  • Trinkgeld für den Fahrerführer und andere persönliche Gegenstände
  • Preisinformationen zu dieser Reise

    Tourtyp 2 Pax 4 Pax 6+ Pax
    Classic $ 2474 $ 1982 $ 1856
    Luxury $ 3170 $ 2720 $ 2512
    Premium $ 5290 $ 4730 $ 4538

    * Die oben genannten Preise sind Preise pro Person und können aufgrund externer Faktoren schwanken
    * Kinderermäßigung gilt für Kinder unter 16 Jahren (Preis auf Anfrage)



    Safari Frequently Asked Questions

    Tanzania has the reputation of the best country for wildlife safaris. Only in Tanzania will you experience the unparalleled National Parks.
    Worry out. We will take care of everything: from picking you up at the airport to saying a final goodbye. However, you probably have many questions about the preparations for this fantastic trip.
    Below we have gathered the answers to the most popular questions frequently asked by our tourists. However, if something important is missing,contact us. We are always here to help you.

    A Safari (“trip” in Swahili) is generally a tour of the wilds of the National Parks, usually using customized 4x4 vehicles. Our safaris start in either Moshi or Arusha in the North of Tanzania with a 2-3 hour drive to one of the National Parks. This is followed by a game drive in the Park, where you can see the multitudes of wild animals of this part of Africa in their natural habitat. The most popular and well-known of the Parks are Serengeti, Ngorongoro Crater, Tarangire, Arusha and Lake Manyara. There also are a number of less-known, but no less fascinating Parks, such as: Nyerere ,mikumi,gombe,mkomazi,saadani, etc. Tanzania safaris in the latter parks are organized individually. Game drives generally end around 5 in the evening. The group then drives to the lodge booked for that night.
    Lodges are small hotels usually situated in or near a National Park. Lodges offer greater privacy and a sense of exclusivity by having detached bungalows or tents set amidst the African nature. The exterior of many of the lodges mirror the traditional local architecture while providing great comfort.
    We recommend comfortable light clothing for the day and something warmer for the evenings, which can be chilly in the northern highlands. Comfortable walking shoes are a must for those planning on walking in the parks (must be booked in advance). You will further need a hat, sunglasses and sunscreen.
    You can find a more detailed list of items to take in our article "What to take on Tanzania safari?"
    There are no age restrictions for Park visitors. That said, one should be prepared to spend a considerable amount of time in a vehicle. Game drives usually take most of the day, beginning in the morning and ending just before the Park gates close at 6 PM, which could tax younger travelers. Therefore, we do not recommend taking children younger than 2 on safaris. On the other hand, game drives can be tailored to suit any client’s personal preferences in terms of duration. There also are picnic spots, which give one an opportunity to stretch and enjoy the tranquility of the African bush.
    The joint Safari Bookings and National Geographic ratings for 2015 placed Tanzania first in the list of countries for African Safaris. There are two factors that make Tanzania exceptional: hunting is strictly prohibited in all the National Parks, which makes for one of the highest densities of wildlife on the continent; and higher Park fees keep the number of visitors’ relatively low, making for a more exclusive experience. Moreover, unlike other countries, where one often finds small family cars on the road, all safaris in Tanzania are conducted using off-road vehicles, which enhances the sense of being in the wild.
    The duration of any safari depends solely upon the client’s wishes. One can have a day’s game drive in one of the closer Parks, or opt for an extensive tour of several Parks, which could take 2 weeks or more. A day’s game drive usually lasts between 4 and 8 hours, with the rest of the day being spent at the lodge, all of which provide comfortable accommodation with Wi-Fi (although one should not expect to always have a fast connection), good food, and – in most cases – a swimming pool.
    We recommend leaving the lodge as early as possible (6:30-7AM). There are a number of reasons for this: mornings tend to be cooler, which is more comfortable for you and brings you to the bush when the animals are most active; you have a chance of getting to the Park ahead of other tourists; all the park fees in Tanzania are paid by the day, regardless of the time spent within the Park, with 6PM being closing time, so getting there early gives you more time to enjoy the wilds of Africa before you have to return to your lodge. That said, the above is but a recommendation. Our guides’ foremost concern is client satisfaction, and they will adjust all the schedules according to your wishes.
    Tanzania Gastronomy fleet of safari vehicles consists of customized 2016-2020 Toyota Land Cruiser 4x4 vehicles. All the vehicles have ergonomic seats, fridges for cold drinks and snacks, electrical outlets for device charging, binoculars and first-aid kits. Pop-up roofs, which allow you to stand up and observe and take photos in greater comfort, are also part of the package
    All our safari packages are sold on a full-board basis. Breakfasts are taken at the lodge, lunches come in the form of lunch boxes, which you can enjoy at one of the picnic spots within the Park, and dinners are once again taken at the lodge. A supply of water and soft drinks is always available in the car fridge, as well as tea, coffee and snacks (all included in the price of the tour).
    The Parks of the North of Tanzania lie relatively close to each other, making for 2 to 3-hour drives in-between.
    Tanzania National Parks regulations strictly prohibit leaving the vehicle within the Parks, both for the safety of the visitor and that of the fragile local ecosystem. However, this does not mean that you should expect to be cooped up in the car for a whole day. All the Parks are equipped with rest/picnic spots, where you can take a stroll and enjoy lunch in the shade.
    This depends solely on the type of the tour that you choose to book. Joined safaris are cheaper, as some of the costs are spread out between the members of the group. This also means that you will be spending time with people you have not met before the safari. If you opt for an exclusive tour, the only person other than those you bring with you – be it family or friends – who will be in the vehicle with you is your English-speaking safari driver/guide.
    Your driver during any safari with Tanzania Inside and Safari is responsible for your safety and comfort for the duration of the tour. All our drivers are also professional wilderness guides, who will gladly share their knowledge of the African bush and its flora and fauna
    According to National Park regulations, all photo and video recording is allowed without the use of specialized equipment. This means that you may use any photo and video cameras. Permits must be obtained for any recording that may later be used commercially. This does not apply to images and videos that may later be used in social media. Drones can only be used with permits, which must be obtained in advance. The procedure for this is rather involved and the permits only issued for projects of high social value. Make sure to inform your Tour Manager of the need for such a permit well in advance in order to give us sufficient time for formalities.
    Bringing children on safari is not only safe, but also highly educational and lots of fun for them. Seeing wild animals in their natural habitat, as opposed to a Zoo, is an experience that they shall carry with them through the rest of their lives. Just keep in mind that spending hours in a safari vehicle may be hard on children younger than 2.
    One of the most memorable adventures to undertake while on safari is a to combine the cultural activities in local areas around the parks because local people have more to offer than the wildlife in the area as they have witnessed the legends that you might never hear to anyone else better than them. There are some cultural activities which can spice your safari and leave you with the unforgettable lifetime memories. See some of our culture experiences in Tanzania on our cultural tours
    Airstrips are available at or near all of Tanzania’s National Parks. Flying between the Parks – especially when going to one or more of the southern Parks – saves a lot of time, Contact our Tour Managers for further details
    All hotels and lodges have Wi-Fi and Internet access. However, one should get used to the idea that the speed may be slower.
    Tipping is expected in Tanzania. We recommend $30-50 per every day of the safari per car, provided you are satisfied with the service.
    Our standard rates (found on our website) do not include the cost of international flights. Our clients include travelers from all over the world, which makes establishing a universal rate including international air travel impossible. However, our Manager organizing your individual tour can always help with choosing and booking your air tickets.
    Yes, pre-payment is expected in order to facilitate hotel bookings and expedition logistics. Classic tours incur a 30% advance payment, while Luxury and Premium require 50%. Flights within Tanzania as well as accommodation and excursions in Zanzibar require advance payments in full.
    Generally, advance payments are made no later than 60 days before the commencement of the tour. However, if you intend to visit Tanzania in high season (around Christmas holidays and July through August) hotels are best booked well in advance, as the demand for quality tourist accommodation in Tanzania far outstrips the supply. Therefore, your Tour Manager may request that payments for tours falling on those periods be made 4-6 months in advance, especially if a photographic safari is part of the package. When booking larger corporate groups (upwards of 20 pax), payments should be made 6-8 months in advance. This ensures our being able to book your accommodation in quality hotels where the number of rooms available is limited, especially in the run-up to the tourist season.
    Yes, full advance payments can be made to our Tanzanian bank accounts. Please, keep in mind that transfers generally take 3-5 days. All transfer commissions and charges are payable by the client.
    Your tour price does not include the following:
  • Visa fees;
  • Alcohol at hotels, unless specifically stated under all-inclusive rates;
  • Tips for climb crews and safari driver/guides. Crew tips for a Kilimanjaro climb average USD 250 per client. USD 30-50 per vehicle per day are the accepted norm.
  • Our cancellation policy is as follows:
  • Cancellations made no later than 30 days before the starting date- refund in full, minus cost of hotel booking cancellation and bank charges.
  • Cancellations made no later than 15 days before the starting date- 75% refund, less cost of hotel booking cancellation and bank charges.
  • Cancellation no later than 7 days before the starting date- 50% refund, minus cost of hotel cancellation and bank charges.
  • Cancellation within 7 days of the starting date- 25% refund, less cost of hotel booking cancellation and bank charges.
  • Citizens of the EU and USA can acquire entry visas at international airports in Tanzania as well as other border crossings. It is also possible to apply for the visa online through the Tanzania immigration website. Visa costs: generally USD 50 (USD 100 for citizens of the USA)
    There are 3 International Airports in Tanzania: Zanzibar, Dar es Salaam and Kilimanjaro. Your Tour Manager will recommend the most convenient of these depending on your itinerary
    If your comfort during what could be a rather lengthy flight with either tight connections or long layovers outweighs cost considerations, then we recommend that you consult the ratings in the World’s Top 100 Airlines 2017. Otherwise, pick what seems to be the most convenient of the airlines in your price range. Turkish, Emirates, Fly Dubai, KLM, Ethiopian are among the airlines with regular flights to Tanzania.
    One of our drivers will meet you with a sign bearing your/your group’s name at your airport of arrival regardless of the time of day.
    If you are booking a tailor-made tour, then you may choose any hotel and your Tour Manager will calculate the cost difference for you.
    All tourist hotels adapt their menus to suit European tastes, while also including some local dishes. You should have no problems when it comes to food so long as you make your dietary preferences (vegetarian, allergic, etc.) clear to your Tour Manager when booking.
    The official currency of Tanzania is the Tanzanian Shilling; the Current rate of exchange is about TShs 2,300/US$1. You can also make cash payments in US$. Just keep in mind that notes issued before 2003 may not be accepted or accepted at a lower rate of exchange. You may also change Euros and some other major currencies, though preference is given to US$ and the rate of exchange for other currencies may not be favorable.
    In short - Tanzania is absolutely safe for tourists. Tourism provides a large part of the country’s foreign income and the local authorities take matters of security very seriously. Moreover, Tanzania is one of the most politically stable countries in the region and Tanzanians are very friendly as a people.
    This said, some criminality does exist, just as it does everywhere else. We, therefore, recommend that you exercise common sense and follow the rules below:
  • Avoid the dangerous parts of any town- these are mentioned in most books and your guide will be happy to point them out.
  • Do not leave your belongings unattended.
  • When planning to take photos in towns, it is best to bring along a guide. This is not so much in the interests of safety, but, rather to facilitate communication with the locals, who are – for cultural reasons – not always happy about being photographed and often do not speak English.
  • After dark it is best to avoid walking. Instead, use taxis for all your travel within town. These are best organized by your tour operator or hotel reception.
  • There have been no recorded cases of yellow fever in the country’s tourist regions (most of the country actually) in the last twenty years. However, when planning to visit the less-visited parts, it may be recommended that you get yellow fever vaccination two weeks before your planned travel date. This vaccination is effective for ten years. You may read more about Tanzania vaccination requirements in our article.
    The problem of malaria in Tanzania is greatly exaggerated. Not all species of mosquito carry malaria to begin with, and contracting malaria is unlikely in most parts of the country. However, if planning on visiting more remote parts of the country, we would recommend that you read our article about malaria prevention
    We highly recommend that you have your travel insurance regardless of what foreign country you may be visiting. If you are planning a Kilimanjaro climb, make sure that climbing emergencies are covered in your policy at height no less than 6,000 meters. If necessary your Tour Manager will assist with purchasing such insurance
    Yes, all the hotels our company offers provide safe water. Taking showers and brushing your teeth is never a problem and the water is actually potable. However, we still recommend that you only drink bottled water, which is always available at hotels and shops.

    Want to know more about Tanzania adventures?
    Contact our team! We have been to all of the top destinations in this land. Our Kilimanjaro-based adventure consultants will gladly share our travel tips and help you plan the trip.
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