Uganda wird oft zugunsten von Kenia oder Tansania übersehen und wird für nichts nicht als "Pearl of Africa " bezeichnet.
Die Landschaft befindet sich am Zusammenfluss von Ost- und Westafrika und verwandelt Gorillas, Schimpansen, Waldelefanten und dergleichen.
“There is a language going on out there,
the roars, snorts, trumpets, squeals, whoops and chirps
that have meaning derived over eons of expression.
We have yet to become fluent in the language – and music – of the wild.” - Boyd Norton
Africa luxury travel tailored to your desires. Whether you want to experience the sheer magic of a luxury safari in Kenya, track gorillas in Rwanda or immerse yourself in the rich culture and culinary excellence of South Africa, we curate extraordinary experiences in the destination of your dreams.
Every country offers unique and inspiring encounters with wildlife, nature and local culture. Explore our destinations in more detail and discover your ideal African luxury travel experience.
All our custom itineraries are inspired by our travel experts and positive feedback from past travelers. We're sharing them so you can get a taste of the experience. However, we're flexible and can tailor-make an itinerary just for you. Let us know your preferences (parks, accommodation, timing, etc.), and our safari experts will create a personalized proposal. USEFUL ARTICLES PLAN MY TRIP
Schalte die wilden Wunder Afrikas frei!Tauchen Sie in eine Welt ungezähmter Schönheit, enge Begegnungen mit majestätischen Kreaturen und seelengeschützten Landschaften ein.Ihre außergewöhnliche Safari beginnt mit einem einzigen Klick-Planung heute